imagers + opto electronics
Latest News
27. Juni 2023
Unique Test Engineering Concept
At aSpect, we take immense pride in our cutting-edge approach to semiconductor testing. Unlike other OSATs or test houses, we believe in collaborating closely with our clients to determine the most efficient and effective way to realize a wafer- or final test setup. Today, I'm thrilled to share with you our unique test engineering concept that sets us apart from the competition.
16. Juni 2023
Optical interface for the aS-PCB-Kintex7
These days we test devices transmitting more than 1Tbps which would require 100 of our CL interfaces. There are several different ways to deal with this bandwidth range and we also use different type of interfaces. But one very nice and compact approach is Samtec Firefly.
15. Juli 2019
CNC Machinery
We support this manufacturing also as a service. Please contact us if you need mechanical components (